Scotland 2017: Glengoyne Distillery and Loch Katrine

Sorry for the delay. I have had some serious issues with my OneCloud. It has said it is full for a couple of years now and I need to buy more space. Not going to do that… I have plenty of space on my computer and Adobe (though I need to reinstall that one from a computer crash last summer). I started going through all my stored pix to get rid of all the duplicate and triplicates and other unnecessary stuff… and it is TEDIOUS and TIME CONSUMING to say the least . I have discovered… that I can actually upload the pix from the locked folders directly here… but I have ZERO clue what they are until uploaded. Then I need to delete what isn’t needed. So, sorry for the delay… enjoy this part of the trip!

We started this day at out first distillery tour. The guy giving us the lecture at the start was full of himself. Said they don’t say Aye in Scotland… poo hockey. It is a common word here. I liked this whisky. This tour was very educational as I hadn’t been to a tour before.. but I had one serious issue… See through floors. I wasn’t expecting it. Got to the fermenting section and the floor was a grate… OMG… I about to panicked. I am not good with heights.. but a lot better since I got on the pills for my autoimmune issue… but see through floors are the BANE of my existence! I made sure I was last for everything so I didn’t impede anyone on the tour. At the very last tun, I was holding back and Brian wanted to be the last one. He was herding us. I couldn’t get him to go in front of me. He asked me what was up and I told him that see through floors are the bane of my existence and nothing more. So, I looked at the ceiling, held on to BOTH hand rails for dear life, tried to BREATHE slowly and got my arse down to the ground floor.

And then we went to Loch Katrine for a boat ride in a steam ship! The weather was stunning and the trip peaceful. I took a lot of pix and was really starting to see things differently in terms of what to photograph. It really helped me see the world in a whole new light. More like I was when a child.. excited at seeing EVERYTHING. It also helped that, when I was able to post some of the pix, the folks at home were enthralled and kept asking me to keep posting as they were living vicariously through my pictures! Loch Katrine is the main water source for Glasgow and very near to the Rob Roy area of Scotland. I still haven’t been to see the Rob Roy parts (on the agenda for after COVID lockdown and after panic is done)

I hope to start getting these out far more regularly now that I have figured out how to circumvent the system… TTFN while I go try to delete 5000 more photos in hopes it will behave!